Thank you for visiting Photos & Stilettos. This is a blog where I rave/rant/review about my makeup and fashion finds or curiosities. You'll find reviews (or even just pictures) of makeup I get my paws on, pictures that inspire me, my obsession with stilettos and just about anything that I find beautiful. Sometimes I'll have a little DIY for you and other unrelated things - I'm still trying to get the hang of blogging. Maybe I'll even start a lookbook one of these days - their pages lack girls with full figures.
I'm a 20-something year old girl who enjoys living in the world of fashion. Color excites me. I've been interested in makeup ever since I can remember. Partly because as a toddler I'd stare at my grandmother's vanity table for hours and hours. My first makeup "gig" was at the age of 3 - when I placed lipstick on my younger cousin who happens to be a guy (you've got to make do with what you got). I dream of being a staple in the fashion industry, a travel show host for the TLC Channel and a Canon Ambassador. I'm tired of putting my dreams in the back seat so this blog is my way of getting involved in what I dream of and applying what I learned from my auditing and assurance class at Univ.
My newfound philosophy is Life doesn't start when you loose the weight and fit the perfect dress size, or find the job that fits like a glove, or find the right guy, life starts now.
Feel free to contact me at I'd love to hear from my readers.
And a little disclaimer:
I am in no way affiliated with the products I review and feature in this blog. I buy the products like a normal consumer would. If I get the products for free, I would explicitly mention it in the post. What I write reflects only my opinions about a product and they are in no way absolute truths. Different people may have different results with the same product. But rest assured, I do use the resouces available and use myself as a guniea pig before I express an opinion. If I have any limitations in regards to testing the product, I will also mention it.